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Fire Hall No. 324 Renovations


City Of Toronto


Project Team

Moon - Matz Ltd. (Mechanical, Electrical, Structural)


Construction Budget Cost

$ 1.8 Million


Project description


Moon-Matz Ltd. is the prime consultant responsible for structural and mechanical upgrades to the subject project.


The building of Fire Hall No. 324 located at 840 Gerrard Street East consists of two above ground storey and one below ground basement. The building was constructed in early 1930s and is currently designated as a Heritage Building.  The ground floor consists of three Apparatus Bays for fire trucks, a Storage Bay for equipment/material storage, and a living/work area for fire fighters.  The ground floor slab is heavily deteriorated and structurally inadequate to support fire trucks. As a result, temporary metal posts were installed in the basement to shore the ground floor concrete slab.


Scope of work includes ground floor concrete slab replacement for the three Apparatus Bays, basement footing underpinning to accomodate the lowered ground floor concrete slab, basement renovation to provide new fire rated boiler room and electrical room, basement water proofing, replacement of existing plumbing and sanitary drainage system and new storm water drainage system.

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